138 research outputs found

    Efficient Generation of Craig Interpolants in Satisfiability Modulo Theories

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    The problem of computing Craig Interpolants has recently received a lot of interest. In this paper, we address the problem of efficient generation of interpolants for some important fragments of first order logic, which are amenable for effective decision procedures, called Satisfiability Modulo Theory solvers. We make the following contributions. First, we provide interpolation procedures for several basic theories of interest: the theories of linear arithmetic over the rationals, difference logic over rationals and integers, and UTVPI over rationals and integers. Second, we define a novel approach to interpolate combinations of theories, that applies to the Delayed Theory Combination approach. Efficiency is ensured by the fact that the proposed interpolation algorithms extend state of the art algorithms for Satisfiability Modulo Theories. Our experimental evaluation shows that the MathSAT SMT solver can produce interpolants with minor overhead in search, and much more efficiently than other competitor solvers.Comment: submitted to ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL

    A Simple and Flexible Way of Computing Small Unsatisfiable Cores in SAT Modulo Theories

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    Finding small unsatisfiable cores for SAT problems has recently received a lot of interest, mostly for its applications in formal verification. However, propositional logic is often not expressive enough for representing many interesting verification problems, which can be more naturally addressed in the framework of Satisfiability Modulo Theories, SMT. Surprisingly, the problem of finding unsatisfiable cores in SMT has received very little attention in the literature; in particular, we are not aware of any work aiming at producing small unsatisfiable cores in SMT. In this paper we present a novel approach to this problem. The main idea is to combine an SMT solver with an external propositional core extractor: the SMT solver produces the theory lemmas found during the search; the core extractor is then called on the boolean abstraction of the original SMT problem and of the theory lemmas. This results in an unsatisfiable core for the original SMT problem, once the remaining theory lemmas have been removed. The approach is conceptually interesting, since the SMT solver is used to dynamically lift the suitable amount of theory information to the boolean level, and it also has several advantages in practice. In fact, it is extremely simple to implement and to update, and it can be interfaced with every propositional core extractor in a plug-and-play manner, so that to benefit for free of all unsat-core reduction techniques which have been or will be made available. We have evaluated our approach by an extensive empirical test on SMT-LIB benchmarks, which confirms the validity and potential of this approach

    Efficient Interpolant Generation in Satisfiability Modulo Theories

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    The problem of computing Craig Interpolants for propositional (SAT) formulas has recently received a lot of interest, mainly for its applications in formal verification. However, propositional logic is often not expressive enough for representing many interesting verification problems, which can be more naturally addressed in the framework of Satisfiability Modulo Theories, SMT. Although {some} works have addressed the topic of generating interpolants in SMT, the techniques and tools that are currently available have some limitations, and their performance still does not exploit the full power of current state-of-the-art SMT solvers. In this paper we try to close this gap. We present several techniques for interpolant generation in SMT which overcome the limitations of the current generators mentioned above, and which take full advantage of state-of-the-art SMT technology. These novel techniques can lead to substantial performance improvements wrt. the currently available tools. We support our claims with an extensive experimental evaluation of our implementation of the proposed techniques in the MathSAT SMT solver

    Towards the verification of a generic interlocking logic: Dafny meets parameterized model checking

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    Interlocking logics are at the core of critical systems controlling the traffic within stations. In this paper, we consider a generic interlocking logic, which can be instantiated to control a wide class of stations. We tackle the problem of parameterized verification, i.e. prove that the logic satisfies the required properties for all the relevant stations. We present a simplified case study, where the interlocking logic is directly encoded in Dafny. Then, we show how to automate the proof of an important safety requirement, by integrating simple, template-based invariants and more complex invariants obtained from a model checker for parameterized systems. Based on these positive preliminary results, we outline how we intend to integrate the approach by extending the IDE for the design of the interlocking logic

    Software Model Checking via Large-Block Encoding

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    The construction and analysis of an abstract reachability tree (ART) are the basis for a successful method for software verification. The ART represents unwindings of the control-flow graph of the program. Traditionally, a transition of the ART represents a single block of the program, and therefore, we call this approach single-block encoding (SBE). SBE may result in a huge number of program paths to be explored, which constitutes a fundamental source of inefficiency. We propose a generalization of the approach, in which transitions of the ART represent larger portions of the program; we call this approach large-block encoding (LBE). LBE may reduce the number of paths to be explored up to exponentially. Within this framework, we also investigate symbolic representations: for representing abstract states, in addition to conjunctions as used in SBE, we investigate the use of arbitrary Boolean formulas; for computing abstract-successor states, in addition to Cartesian predicate abstraction as used in SBE, we investigate the use of Boolean predicate abstraction. The new encoding leverages the efficiency of state-of-the-art SMT solvers, which can symbolically compute abstract large-block successors. Our experiments on benchmark C programs show that the large-block encoding outperforms the single-block encoding.Comment: 13 pages (11 without cover), 4 figures, 5 table

    Delayed theory combination vs. Nelson-Oppen for satisfiability modulo theories: a comparative analysis

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    Most state-of-the-art approaches for Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT(T))(SMT(\mathcal{T})) rely on the integration between a SAT solver and a decision procedure for sets of literals in the background theory T(T-solver)\mathcal{T} (\mathcal{T}{\text {-}}solver) . Often T\mathcal{T} is the combination T1T2\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2 of two (or more) simpler theories (SMT(T1T2))(SMT(\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2)) , s.t. the specific Ti-solvers{\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers must be combined. Up to a few years ago, the standard approach to SMT(T1T2)SMT(\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2) was to integrate the SAT solver with one combined T1T2-solver\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2{\text {-}}solver , obtained from two distinct Ti-solvers{\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers by means of evolutions of Nelson and Oppen's (NO) combination procedure, in which the Ti-solvers{\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers deduce and exchange interface equalities. Nowadays many state-of-the-art SMT solvers use evolutions of a more recent SMT(T1T2)SMT(\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2) procedure called Delayed Theory Combination (DTC), in which each Ti-solver{\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solver interacts directly and only with the SAT solver, in such a way that part or all of the (possibly very expensive) reasoning effort on interface equalities is delegated to the SAT solver itself. In this paper we present a comparative analysis of DTC vs. NO for SMT(T1T2)SMT(\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2) . On the one hand, we explain the advantages of DTC in exploiting the power of modern SAT solvers to reduce the search. On the other hand, we show that the extra amount of Boolean search required to the SAT solver can be controlled. In fact, we prove two novel theoretical results, for both convex and non-convex theories and for different deduction capabilities of the Ti-solvers{\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers , which relate the amount of extra Boolean search required to the SAT solver by DTC with the number of deductions and case-splits required to the Ti-solvers{\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers by NO in order to perform the same tasks: (i) under the same hypotheses of deduction capabilities of the Ti-solvers{\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers required by NO, DTC causes no extra Boolean search; (ii) using Ti-solvers{\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers with limited or no deduction capabilities, the extra Boolean search required can be reduced down to a negligible amount by controlling the quality of the T\mathcal{T} -conflict sets returned by the ${\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers

    Counterexample-Guided Prophecy for Model Checking Modulo the Theory of Arrays

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    We develop a framework for model checking infinite-state systems by automatically augmenting them with auxiliary variables, enabling quantifier-free induction proofs for systems that would otherwise require quantified invariants. We combine this mechanism with a counterexample-guided abstraction refinement scheme for the theory of arrays. Our framework can thus, in many cases, reduce inductive reasoning with quantifiers and arrays to quantifier-free and array-free reasoning. We evaluate the approach on a wide set of benchmarks from the literature. The results show that our implementation often outperforms state-of-the-art tools, demonstrating its practical potential.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, extended version of paper to be published in International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems 202